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Sake kasu

Sake kasu are brought to our factory in Fushimi, Kyoto from two major sake manufacturers in our neighborhood; Gekkeikan and Takara, brand known as Shochikubai.  Then, the sake kasu are processed, packed and shipped to our customers.

Sake kasu

What is sake kasu? Kasu means lees in Japanese. Therefore, sake kasu is sake lees. It is white in color with a paste-like texture.  It is a by-product of Japanese sake production that contains 8% alcohol, has high nutritional value, and provides health benefits. Sake Kasu can be used as cooking ingredient or used in cosmetics or skincare products.  This cooking ingredient can be used as a marinade, soup or beverage(amazake).  Sake kasu is a highly nutritious by-product of sake providing protein, carbohydratesfatvitamins (including some B vitamins), fiber, ash, peptides, and amino acids.

It has also been found that sake kasu has the potential to reduce the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and an extract has potential to be used as a treatment.

  The taste of sake kasu is fruity and has a similar taste to Japanese sake.  

We sell plate lees, flake lees, paste lees and aged lees. 

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Why Fushimi?  Fushimi is one of the three major regions for making sake.  Other two are Nada in Kobe and Saijo in Hiroshima. Fushimi has a long history of making sake, dating back to 1594.  Thanks to high quality groundwater, therefore Fushimi is an ideal place to brew sake.  Manufactures of sake in Fushimi include Gekkeikan, the second largest sake manufacture in Japan by turnover and Takara, the third largest.  

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